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When I started with SCEMI, it was shortly after I got saved and truly with these teachings, I thank God that I have grown spiritually in the Word of God. I learned to go deeper in reading the Word of God. Now I know my true identity and the purpose of God upon my life.


I am also bolder to witness to all people about that same purpose of God to those that do not know him yet. The will of God upon us all, is to be saved and know the truth. I started as a Bible student, but I’m thankful and grateful to God that with the knowledge I have acquired, I will be able to teach others.

The discipleship teachings helped me to comprehend many things embedded in the Word of God. Though I have always loved to read the Bible, with these teachings, I have fallen passionately in love with reading the Bible all over again. Reading the Bible with the SCEMI course kit, I have gained more insight in the Word of God; and the more I read the SCEMI materials, the more I thirst to go deeper and read the Bible more.


I have purposed to reach out to other people and witness to them about the knowledge I have acquired and the passion for the Word of God I have regained, so that they may know how sweet the word of God is; and to know that “Man shall not live by bread alone but by the word that proceeds from the mouth of God”.

Raissa Musanintore,
(Graduated 2011), 
Montreal, QC Canada
Florence Nkuru,
(Graduated 2011), 
Phoenix, AZ, USA

The Discipleship teachings have changed my life. I have come to understand many things that I didn’t know about in the word of God. That’s when I truly related to what the Word of God says; “my people perish because of ignorance”. Therefore, without knowing the Word of God, even the children of God can perish.


I have come to know God more and more than before. Now I know his will upon my life. My way of life has changed; I’m always cautious and careful that I may not do what is contrary to what I have learned. I’m truly grateful and thankful to God for the opportunity he has given me; to study the Word of God. God has changed me in all areas of my life.

I became more thirsty and hungry to read the word of God. My faith was strengthened and I grew more spiritually. My passion to seek after God grew even more. 


I learned and understood the life of Jesus Christ while on earth. I was taught things I didn’t know about before I was able to understand the mystery of God through faith. Finally, my life will never be the same, it has changed from ignorance to acquiring knowledge (the power of the Word of God).

Pastor Amin-Félard Sayumwe, (Graduated 2011), 
Québec, QC Canada
Lydia Gasana, (Graduated 2011),  
Copenhagen, Denmark

My Desire is to see everybody taking these discipleship teachings; they will have an opportunity to study the Bible clearly and profoundly. With a strong foundation of the Word of God that these teachings provide, people will be strengthened in their journey of fellowshipping with God.


Laying the strong foundation of the Word of God therefore, their salvation will never be shaken. As we already know, “We shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free”. 

Antoinette Mugisha, (Graduated 2011),
Toronto, ON Canada

Testimonies about SCEMI


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Siloam Christian Education Ministries International (SCEMI) is an interdenominational discipleship training program.

We are Biblically orthodox, evangelical, and centred on the love of God expressed through the Cross of Jesus Christ!


We are active in Africa: Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Sudan and DRC, as well as in North America and Europe!

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