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Pastor Bonaventure immigrated to Quebec City, Canada in 1992 where he completed both high school and college. While in Quebec City and Moncton city, Pastor Bonaventure served God with the support of Pastor Albert Harper, and Pastor Brian Hagerman. It was also in Quebec City that Pastor Bonaventure become involved with Navigators of Canada.

After completing college, Pastor Bonaventure moved to New Brunswick and pursued his undergraduate degree in industrial Technology. He graduated in 2000. In the same year Pastor Bonaventure moved from New Brunswick to Toronto and joined Abasaruzi Missionary Church where he served in different departments of the church until became a pastor in 2004.

Pastor Wilfred Rusibira was aware of the need to strengthen discipleship at Abasaruzi church. Aware of Pastor Bonaventure's teaching gifts, Pastor Wilfred appointed Pastor Bonaventure to the task of leading the church in Bible Study. To equip himself more in the Word of God and in church planting and leadership, Pastor Bonaventure trained with Keystone Project in South Dakota, USA. 

This training increased even further his desire to serve God and help people to become disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ through the Word of God.

Pastor Bonaventure has taught and graduated 600 students all across Canada, USA, Europe, and from Africa he has taught students from
Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Sudan and DRC.

Pastor Bonaventure is currently serving as an associate Pastor and as a Bible teacher in Abasaruzi Missionary Church in Toronto. He also has a secular job. 

SCEMI opened officially on September 4, 2010 in Toronto, Canada.



Pastor Bonaventure Ntawutarama, a Credentialed Minister with the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada, is the Executive Director and Founder of Siloam Christian Education Ministries International (SCEMI). 

Pastor Bonanventure was born in Bujumbura, Burundi September 4, 1970. He was born again on September 3, 1989. Since that day Pastor Bonaventure's hunger for God and to study the Word of God was more eminent. Back in Burundi, he joined Scripture Union.

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Siloam Christian Education Ministries International (SCEMI) is an interdenominational discipleship training program.

We are Biblically orthodox, evangelical, and centred on the love of God expressed through the Cross of Jesus Christ!


We are active in Africa: Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Sudan and DRC, as well as in North America and Europe!

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